To contact John Toussaint please use the form below. He will endeavour to get in touch with you as soon as possible.
John is an experienced counsellor, mediator, trainer, celebrant and published author. He has a strong advocacy mindset for equality, human rights and social justice, and works towards a community that embraces and maintains mental, social and emotional wellbeing for all people.
John’s professional life has been dedicated to the not-for-profit community sector. This has included clinical leadership and executive management roles in the areas of disability, mental health, and children’s services. He has developed leading-edge practices that strengthen the family and community and is recognised as a leading educator in the field of strength-based approaches to individual, family, community and corporate work.
John is registered by the Australian Government as a Marriage Celebrant (Licence no.A1306) and has over 25 years’ experience providing high quality celebrations that mark significant events in people’s lives.
If you’d like to know more about John’s services, whether it’s counselling, mediating, training, or you’re needing a celebrant, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the form below outlining which service you’re enquiring about. He will endeavour to get in touch with you as soon as possible and talk with you about how he can best help you.
Alternatively, you can contact John on 0419 697 018 or